Anick Vollebergh

Anick Vollebergh Senior Researcher, Supervisor, International Panel

Annick Vollebergh is University lecturer in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies at Radboud University. Her research focuses on the lived experience and practical governance of urban marginality and diversity in a postcolonial Europe marked by racialized and secularist anxieties and desires through a focus on the ethnographic tracing of key notions in current European discussions are negotiated, given shape, and reimagined by urban denizens, activist organizations, and institutional actors in various national contexts. 

Besides her involvement in 'Crafting Resilience' she is currently developing a new research line on the so-called crisis of 'authority', and the way in which doing authority in the Netherlands is rearticulated between authoritarian populism and therapeutic personal-development models of 'non-violence'.